Your first step toward full recovery at Into Action Recovery is enrolling in the First Stage Residential Program. Residents commit to staying in the program for 60 days, living among other men who are also recovering from addiction. Typically, rooms are semi-private, but sometimes there are private rooms available.
The residential environment is safe and comfortable – a clean, modern home in a safe neighbourhood. As your initial journey toward recovery begins, you’ll be introduced to a lifestyle where sobriety and recovery are encouraged from a no-nonsense approach.
One thing you’ll notice right away about this first stage is that it’s well structured. We believe structure and rules can help you stay on track in terms of sobriety and any other goals you may be working toward.
There is a daily schedule that runs from 7 am until 9:30 pm, where you’ll spend time in individual and group sessions, mealtime, chore time, as well as have some downtime where you can relax. The group facilitators are committed to teaching a variety of tools and techniques that will help you overcome whatever addiction you’ve been struggling with. In addition, you’ll learn quite a bit of other helpful tools for creating a great life.
The following are various sessions or activities you’ll experience:
Process groups – Process groups are less educational and more about giving each resident time to share whatever is on their mind. This can be a time to open up about feelings, concerns, or ask questions. It’s also a great way to listen and support other men who may be struggling and need some support.
One-on-one counseling sessions – Chances are you have some things you’d like to discuss with a qualified Counsellor. Many times, men tend to stuff their negative emotions for years and years. Or, they run or try to escape from inner pain. You’ll have the opportunity to start digging in therapy with a licensed counsellor, facing your fears and moving toward healing on all levels.
For those that may not be thrilled about opening up to share with others, know that we never force you to share if you don’t want to. We do encourage you to ease into opening up because it can be quite therapeutic. However, we understand not everyone is ready to wear their emotions on their sleeve – yet.
Support Groups – You’ll attend various 12 Step support group meetings, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and SMART Recovery. These meetings may be held in the community, so rides to and from these local support meetings may be provided. We encourage residents to seek a sponsor and begin the step work involved in 12 Step groups, as actively working through the steps can be very helpful for continued sobriety. You’ll have time each evening to work through the steps.
Aftercare planning – Aftercare planning is important, as you’ll want to have a solid plan as to how you’ll continue working on your recovery once you leave the treatment facility and head back home or to the Second Stage Program. You’ll have ample opportunity to work with a Counsellor on creating a plan that will outline how you’ll continue with recovery efforts and a support system once you finish treatment. This could involve continued individual counseling, participating in 12 Step groups, volunteering, reading valuable books, and so on.
While you’re going through the First Stage Recovery Program, we’re dedicated to helping you overcome addiction. Our recovery programs are holistic, focusing on the emotional, physical, and spiritual planes. We believe everyone can make significant positive changes if they work hard and utilize the tools and techniques they learn while in treatment.
Taking the time away from home to solely focus on your recovery and life, in general, can give you a solid foundation for authentic change that will impact you the rest of your life. As you work our program day after day, you’ll find yourself feeling less defeated and more confident in your recovery. You’ll be able to reflect on your past and begin healing any wounds that have been lingering. All-in-all, you’ll feel proud of yourself for taking the steps necessary to get every bit of your life back.
And, for those that finish the 60 days and may not feel quite ready to return back home, we have a Second Stage Transitional Program you may be able to attend.
If you need help or have any questions about us contact us right away.